Is it Optional to Grow?

I’ve shared the quote “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional” several times via Twitter. However, I struggle with the words and actions behind it.

Is growth really optional any longer? Can we expect to be better as educators without learning and growth?

The cliche you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink is very true. However, we can make them thirsty.

We can’t force people to grow, but we also can’t accept it when people refuse to grow.

So, I choose to grow. I choose to help those around me grow. I will do my best to lead people to the ‘water,’ but I won’t force them to drink. It is ultimately up to them. I will support those who choose to grow no matter how large or small the growth.

Growth is what’s best for us, our students, our schools, and our communities.

Growth really isn’t optional any longer.

Change is inevitable.

Growth is also inevitable.

Let’s Grow!

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February 27, 2016 · 1:28 pm

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